2024 Michigan Senate Race Preview 2024 Michigan Senate Race Preview

2024 Michigan Senate Race Preview

The next Election Yard preview is the 2024 Michigan Senate race, a perhaps overlooked but very important statewide election out in the Great Lakes.

Every Senate race is crucial with the current makeup of the chamber. Democrats and Democratic-aligned Independents hold 51 seats at present, plus the vice presidential tiebreaker if necessary. However, it is widely believed – and our prediction agrees – that the Senate seat in West Virginia is gone for Democrats. Perhaps they will get it back in a few decades, but not any time soon. This makes the Senate 50-50 assuming no other changes, but there is the definite possibility of further alterations.

In theory, Republicans just need one more Senate seat to guarantee flipping the chamber, regardless of what happens in the presidential race. Will Michigan be the seat that goes red, or will they have to continue looking elsewhere for other places to gain?

Please note: We also previewed the presidential race in Michigan. That video has information on counties which will be critical in determining who wins the state; those might be valuable in this race as well.

2024 Michigan Senate Race Preview in 4 Minutes or Less

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Incumbent Democrat Debbie Stabenow is hanging it up after four terms in the Senate. Democrats have been on a long winning streak with Senate seats in this state, not losing an election for decades. Stabenow, like the two major party nominees, was a member of the House, but which one will get to the Senate?

2024 Michigan Senate Race: Candidates

Links below are to candidate websites, if available. A full listing of federal candidates can be found at Politics1.com. We are not responsible for the content of outside links.

Next Up

We come back to our headquarters state, Virginia, to look at the race for the 7th District.

Video References

  1. 2022 Michigan Official General Election results – 11/08/2022. (n.d.). https://mielections.us/election/results/2022GEN_CENR.html
  2. Gunzburger, R. (n.d.). Politics1 – online guide to Michigan elections, candidates & politics. Copyright by Ron Gunzburger, but Content May Be Reproduced so Long as Attribution or Direct Link to Politics1.com Is Provided. https://politics1.com/mi.htm
  3. 2024 election United States Senate – Michigan – FEC.gov. (n.d.). FEC.gov. https://www.fec.gov/data/elections/senate/MI/2024/

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