2024 Virginia 7th House Race Preview - illustration of Virginia in background 2024 Virginia 7th House Race Preview - illustration of Virginia in background

2024 Virginia 7th House Race Preview

The 2024 Virginia 7th House race is one of two Democratic open-seat races in the Commonwealth this year, and the Republicans’ best opportunity for a flip.

Incumbent Democrat Abigail Spanberger is stepping aside after three terms in Congress, as she prepares an odd-year run for governor in 2025. This leaves open in 2024 what has been a competitive seat ever since the 2018 midterms, which was the year Spanberger flipped it blue in an historic gain for Democrats. She was able to hold onto the seat two more times, although by close margins, but can another Democrat follow in her footsteps and succeed here?

Virginia’s 7th Congressional District lies to the north of the state, spanning parts of Northern (NoVA) and Central Virginia. Republicans tried taking this seat in 2022 but failed, and are hoping that with Spanberger out of the way that they can boost their fragile House majority with another pick-up.

2024 Virginia 7th House Race in 4 Minutes or Less

At present, Democrats hold six out of Virginia’s 11 House seats. Prior to 2022, it was seven, but they lost the 2nd District to Jen Kiggans. We previewed that race earlier in the campaign.

2024 Virginia 7th House Race: Candidates

The links furnished below are to the two campaign websites. We assume no responsibility for the content of outside links, so user beware.

Both Vindman and Anderson are retired military seeking to hold their first elected office. Vindman’s candidacy is notable as he and his brother, Alexander, played a role in the Donald Trump Ukraine scandal. Their whistle-blowing ultimately contributed to Trump’s first impeachment in 2019.

Please note: Reference is made to the candidates’ past military service. No endorsement is stated or implied on the part of their past branch(es) of service or the Department of Defense.

Next Up

We previewed the Arizona Senate race in an earlier video, but we are going back to the Grand Canyon State to size up the presidential race.


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