Intro to Labour Target Seats 2024 UK Election - main article graphic Intro to Labour Target Seats 2024 UK Election - main article graphic

Labour Target Seats: 2024 UK Election

We have our official list of Labour target seats for the 2024 British general election, coming up on 4 July.

It is generally believed across the political landscape that the United Kingdom is in the midst of a change election. Such things are rare in current times in that country: there have only been three “change elections” – which is to say, ones that result in a change in government, in the UK since (and including) 1979. The most recent was in 2010, when the Conservatives won the most seats and ousted Labour after 13 years in office.

Well, here we are in 2024, and a wide variety of opinion polls, such as YouGov, suggest Labour is about to end 14 years of Tory rule. Some opinion polling, though it may be a little too robust in favour of Labour, shows that large swings of over 15 percent could result, putting Keir Starmer in Number 10 with a Blair-esque majority.

2024 Labour Target Seats

In our video above, we identify the top 136 seats on Labour’s target list. Winning all of them would put them into working majority territory. However, there is a feeling that Labour could go beyond this on polling day, so we look at recent by-election results to theorize just how far down the list they might get on a perfect night.

Keep in mind, we do not at this point subscribe to the idea that Labour is heading for 450 seats or more, or that the Tories are heading for less than 100. However, what information we have so far would suggest that Labour will get very deep onto the target seats list.

Here, for reference, is our list of the first 68 Labour target seats:

Labour target seats 2024 UK election - based on swing required to capture

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