2024 Montana Senate Race in 4 Minutes or Less - main graphic, Montana map in background 2024 Montana Senate Race in 4 Minutes or Less - main graphic, Montana map in background

2024 Montana Senate Race: 4 Minutes or Less Preview

Today, we launch a new wave of quick but informative election previews, starting with the 2024 Montana Senate race.

America’s 2024 election is fast approaching, and dozens of races around the country will be critical to who governs and who legislates. Between now and November, we will focus on a number of those elections across the United States. Our first race preview is in Montana, which has one of the most crucial and expensive Senate races in the country.

2024 Montana Senate Race: Key Info

Remember to subscribe to Election Yard’s YouTube channel for all 2024 race previews in four minutes or less

The incumbent in this race is Democrat Jon Tester, who was first elected back in 2006. That was a good Democratic midterm year, and Tester upset Republican Sen. Conrad Burns. The latter had become unpopular in his home state over time, and Democrats had a brief renaissance in Big Sky Country, which helped propel Tester into office.

His re-election runs in 2012 and 2018 were also close, but Tester found ways to win both of them, even as his state drifted further and further into the red column.

As of 2024, Tester is the only statewide elected Democrat remaining in Montana. Republicans hold every other state position, both House seats, the other Senate seat, and two-thirds majorities in the legislature. Tester faces serious Republican headwinds as he tries to get re-elected in a presidential year. However, as we note in the video, Tester himself might be his own most valuable asset in this 2024 Montana Senate race.

2024 Montana Senate Race: Candidates

Links to the candidates’ websites are below.

Next Up In Four Minutes or Less

We will journey to the Hudson Valley region to look at the House Race for New York’s 17th District.

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