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2024 Presidential Election Predictions

Below are the 2024 Presidential election predictions in the United States.  This page was last updated on September 10, 2024.

State-by-state ratings and best guesses are below.  Page will be updated regularly between now and November, with the final predictions being issued by November 3.

Election day in the United States is November 5, 2024.

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Additional Reading & Viewing

2024 Presidential Election Predictions: Overall and Map

US Presidential Election Totals and Map - 2024 Presidential Election Predictions 9-1-2024 - DEM 226 - REP 219 - TOSSUP 93
Democrats are predicted to win 226 electoral votes, Republicans 219, and 93 are toss-ups – click to enlarge image

Kamala Harris (D) predicted leader with 226 electoral votes.  Donald Trump (R) predicted to receive 219 electoral votes.  A total of 270 electoral votes is required to win; should no presidential candidate achieve 270, a contingent election will take place in the United States House of Representatives.

Breakdown by Strength

US Presidential Election EV by Strength - 2024 Presidential Election Predictions 9-1-2024 - Arranging electoral votes by strength
Arranging the electoral votes by strength, 181 Dem electoral votes are considered safe, while 122 GOP electoral votes are – click to enlarge image

2024 Presidential Election Predictions: Electoral Vote High-Low Ranges

US Presidential Election EV Ranges - 2024 Presidential Election Predictions 9-1-2024 - DEM 226-320, REP 218-312
Democrats will win between 226 and 320 electoral votes – Republicans will win between 218 and 312 electoral votes – click to enlarge image

2024 Presidential Election Predictions: State-by-State

States are listed in alphabetical order.  Values in parenthesis are the electoral votes by state.  Below the prediction line are the 2020 election results in the state.

Maine and Nebraska are broken down at the overall and congressional district levels.

Alabama (9)
Safe Rep - Hold - Election Yard 
2020: Trump (R) 62.03%, Biden (D) 36.57%
Alaska (3)
 Likely Rep - Hold - Election Yard
2020: Trump (R) 52.83%, Biden (D) 42.77%
Arizona (11)
 Toss-up election - Election Yard
2020: Biden (D) 49.36%, Trump (R) 49.06%
Arkansas (6)
 Safe Rep - Hold - Election Yard
2020: Trump (R) 62.40%, Biden (D) 34.78%
California (54)
Safe Dem - Hold - Election Yard 
2020: Biden (D) 63.48%, Trump (R) 34.32%
Colorado (10)
Likely Dem - Hold - Election Yard 
2020: Biden (D) 55.40%, Trump (R) 41.90%
Connecticut (7)
 Safe Dem - Hold - Election Yard
2020: Biden (D) 59.26%, Trump (R) 39.19%
Delaware (3)
 Safe Dem - Hold - Election Yard
2020: Biden (D) 58.74%, Trump (R) 39.77%
District of Columbia (3)
 Safe Dem - Hold - Election Yard
2020: Biden (D) 92.15%, Trump (R) 5.40%
Florida (30)
 Lean Rep - Hold - Election Yard
2020: Trump (R) 51.22%, Biden (D) 47.86%
Georgia (16)
 Toss-up election - Election Yard
2020: Biden (D) 49.47%, Trump (R) 49.24%
Hawaii (4)
 Safe Dem - Hold - Election Yard
2020: Biden (D) 63.73%, Trump (R) 34.27%
Idaho (4)
 Safe Rep - Hold - Election Yard
2020: Trump (R) 63.84%, Biden (D) 33.07%
Illinois (19)
 Safe Dem - Hold - Election Yard
2020: Biden (D) 57.54%, Trump (R) 40.55%
Indiana (11)
Safe Rep - Hold - Election Yard 
2020: Trump (R) 57.03%, Biden (D) 40.96%
Iowa (6)
 Likely Rep - Hold - Election Yard
2020: Trump (R) 53.09%, Biden (D) 44.89%
Kansas (6)
 Safe Rep - Hold - Election Yard
2020: Trump (R) 56.14%, Biden (D) 41.51%
Louisiana (8)
 Safe Rep - Hold - Election Yard
2020: Trump (R) 58.46%, Biden (D) 39.85%
Maine (2 – state level)
 Likely Dem - Hold - Election Yard
2020: Biden (D) 53.09%, Trump (R) 44.02%
Maine CD-01 (1)
 Safe Dem - Hold - Election Yard
2020: Biden (D) 60.11%, Trump (R) 37.02%
Maine CD-02 (1)
 Tilt Rep - Hold - Election Yard
2020: Trump (R) 52.26%, Biden (D) 44.82%
Maryland (10)
 Safe Dem - Hold - Election Yard
2020: Biden (D) 65.36%, Trump (R) 32.15%
Massachusetts (11)
 Safe Dem - Hold - Election Yard
2020: Biden (D) 65.60%, Trump (R) 32.14%
Michigan (15)
Toss-up election - Election Yard 
2020: Biden (D) 50.62%, Trump (R) 47.84%
Minnesota (10)
 Likely Dem - Hold - Election Yard
2020: Biden (D) 52.40%, Trump (R) 45.28%
Mississippi (6)
 Safe Rep - Hold - Election Yard
2020: Trump (R) 57.60%, Biden (D) 41.06%
Missouri (10)
 Safe Rep - Hold - Election Yard
2020: Trump (R) 56.80%, Biden (D) 41.41%
Montana (4)
 Safe Rep - Hold - Election Yard
2020: Trump (R) 56.92%, Biden (D) 40.55%
Nebraska (2 – state level)
Safe Rep - Hold - Election Yard 
2020: Trump (R) 58.22%, Biden (D) 39.17%
Nebraska CD-01 (1)
 Safe Rep - Hold - Election Yard
2020: Trump (R) 56.01%, Biden (D) 41.09%
Nebraska CD-02 (1)
 Lean Dem - Hold - Election Yard
2020: Biden (D) 51.95%, Trump (R) 45.45%
Nebraska CD-03 (1)
Safe Rep - Hold - Election Yard 
2020: Trump (R) 75.36%, Biden (D) 22.34%
Nevada (6)
 Toss-up election - Election Yard
2020: Biden (D) 50.06%, Trump (R) 47.67%
New Hampshire (4)
 Lean Dem - Hold - Election Yard
2020: Biden (D) 52.71%, Trump (R) 45.36%
New Jersey (14)
Safe Dem - Hold - Election Yard 
2020: Biden (D) 57.33%, Trump (R) 41.40%
New Mexico (5)
Likely Dem - Hold - Election Yard 
2020: Biden (D) 54.29%, Trump (R) 43.50%
New York (28)
Safe Dem - Hold - Election Yard 
2020: Biden (D) 60.87%, Trump (R) 37.74%
North Carolina (16)
 Toss-up election - Election Yard
2020: Trump (R) 49.93%, Biden (D) 48.59%
North Dakota (3)
 Safe Rep - Hold - Election Yard
2020: Trump (R) 65.12%, Biden (D) 31.78%
Ohio (17)
 Likely Rep - Hold - Election Yard
2020: Trump (R) 53.27%, Biden (D) 45.24%
Oklahoma (7)
 Safe Rep - Hold - Election Yard
2020: Trump (R) 65.37%, Biden (D) 32.29%
Oregon (8)
Safe Dem - Hold - Election Yard 
2020: Biden (D) 56.45%, Trump (R) 40.37%
Pennsylvania (19)
 Toss-up election - Election Yard
2020: Biden (D) 49.85%, Trump (R) 48.69%
Rhode Island (4)
Safe Dem - Hold - Election Yard 
2020: Biden (D) 59.39%, Trump (R) 38.61%
South Carolina (9)
 Safe Rep - Hold - Election Yard
2020: Trump (R) 55.11%, Biden (D) 43.43%
South Dakota (3)
Safe Rep - Hold - Election Yard 
2020: Trump (R) 61.77%, Biden (D) 35.61%
Tennessee (11)
 Safe Rep - Hold - Election Yard
2020: Trump (R) 60.66%, Biden (D) 37.45%
Texas (40)
 Lean Rep - Hold - Election Yard
2020: Trump (R) 52.06%, Biden (D) 46.48%
Utah (6)
Safe Rep - Hold - Election Yard 
2020: Trump (R) 58.13%, Biden (D) 37.65%
Vermont (3)
 Safe Dem - Hold - Election Yard
2020: Biden (D) 66.09%, Trump (R) 30.67%
Virginia (13)
 Likely Dem - Hold - Election Yard
2020: Biden (D) 54.11%, Trump (R) 44.00%
Washington (12)
 Safe Dem - Hold - Election Yard
2020: Biden (D) 57.97%, Trump (R) 38.77%
West Virginia (4)
 Safe Rep - Hold - Election Yard
2020: Trump (R) 68.62%, Biden (D) 29.69%
Wisconsin (10)
 Toss-up election - Election Yard
2020: Biden (D) 49.45%, Trump (R) 48.82%
Wyoming (3)
 Safe Rep - Hold - Election Yard
2020: Trump (R) 69.94%, Biden (D) 26.55%

States Arranged by 2020 Percentage Margins

Biden/Democratic states at the top; Trump/Republican states at the bottom.  Maine and Nebraska congressional districts broken out as well.  2024 electoral votes shown in parenthesis.

District of Columbia (3)DEM +86.75%
Vermont (3)DEM +35.41%
Massachusetts (11)DEM +33.46%
Maryland (10)DEM +33.21%
Hawaii (4)DEM +29.46%
California (54)DEM +29.16%
New York (28)DEM +23.13%
Maine CD-01 (1)DEM +23.09%
Rhode Island (4)DEM +20.77%
Connecticut (7)DEM +20.07%
Washington (12)DEM +19.20%
Delaware (3)DEM +18.97%
Illinois (19)DEM +16.99%
Oregon (8)DEM +16.09%
New Jersey (14)DEM +15.94%
Colorado (10)DEM +13.50%
New Mexico (5)DEM +10.79%
Virginia (11)DEM +10.11%
Maine (2)DEM +9.07%
New Hampshire (4)DEM +7.35%
Minnesota (10)DEM +7.11%
Nebraska CD-02 (1)DEM +6.50%
Michigan (15)DEM +2.78%
Nevada (6)DEM +2.39%
Pennsylvania (19)DEM +1.16%
Wisconsin (10)DEM +0.63%
Arizona (11)DEM +0.31%
Georgia (16)DEM +0.24%
North Carolina (16)REP +1.35%
Florida (30)REP +3.36%
Texas (40)REP +5.58%
Maine CD-02 (1)REP +7.44%
Ohio (17)REP +8.03%
Iowa (6)REP +8.20%
Alaska (3)REP +10.06%
South Carolina (9)REP +11.68%
Kansas (6)REP +14.64%
Nebraska CD-01 (1)REP +14.92%
Missouri (10)REP +15.39%
Indiana (11)REP +16.07%
Montana (4)REP +16.37%
Mississippi (6)REP +16.55%
Louisiana (8)REP +18.61%
Nebraska (2)REP +19.06%
Utah (6)REP +20.48%
Tennessee (11)REP +23.21%
Alabama (9)REP +25.46%
Kentucky (8)REP +25.94%
South Dakota (3)REP +26.16%
Arkansas (6)REP +27.62%
Idaho (4)REP +30.77%
Oklahoma (7)REP +33.09%
North Dakota (3)REP +33.34%
West Virginia (4)REP +38.93%
Wyoming (3)REP +43.38%
Nebraska CD-03 (1)REP +53.02%

The tipping-point state per the above is Wisconsin.

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